This web


The layout has three sections: Hero introduces the developer, Projects showcases key work, and Contact allows easy communication.




controls feature
controls feature
controls feature

Intuitive navigation

The site navigation is designed to enhance user engagement with multiple call-to-action elements. A down arrow subtly signals more content below, while an Explore button further emphasizes the invitation to interact. Users can seamlessly scroll between sections or utilize the clickable scroll indicator on the side for quick access, ensuring an intuitive and smooth browsing experience throughout the site.


The navbar features a minimalist design with just two elements: a logo that leads to the home page and a link to my resume. While I considered incorporating a hamburger button and top navigation, I believe that this would not enhance the user experience in this case. The call-to-action elements are strategically placed for a seamless experience, and the page is simple enough that additional navigation at the top is unnecessary.

Color Palette

#743AEF Primary color used frequently for a vibrant and modern look.

#AD49E1Secondary color highlighting additional or technical info in the Activiter section.

#f8f8f8 White for important headers and call-to-action elements.

#D5D5D5 Gray for plain text, creating subtle contrast from headers.

#020202 Soft black for a more comfortable dark theme experience.







Poppins is used for headers with a text weight of 200, giving a light and airy feel while still maintaining a bold visual presence.


Montserrat serves as the body text at a weight of 400, ensuring readability and providing a modern, professional appearance throughout the design.

Check out my code

logo github

github CLI: gh repo clone Tescosalat/portfolio